Although we are dreaming of longer and hotter days, we have been taking advantage of the late afternoons, after school and the many activities, to take long walks, because Ler Mais
There is a lot of talk, a lot of sing-alongs, a lot of blankets on the couch. Clinging to each other, cuddling, we take turns to hear the best of our day, one on the lap, the Ler Mais
6 years* Without taking your eyes off mine, you ask me softly why you’re the last of the brothers to “do things”. I hug you tightly and I take time to come Ler Mais
“When children play And I hear them play, Something in my soul begins to rejoice.” Fernando PessoaLer Mais
How long does it take to organize your children “agenda”? Today, I have decided to calculate the time it takes me every Monday to plan and synchronize my children Ler Mais
Holidays. This week we went south, without schedules or plans, we needed these days to remember how good it is to live slower. Time to be together: talk, laugh, hug, kiss, Ler Mais