Snacks for school

This week, regarding the celebration of World Food Day, the kids received suggestions for “healthy” snacks at school.

We talked, we took and added ingredients to the menus and together we came up with a weekly plan:

This good initiative of the school group has the merit of putting parents and children thinking about healthy choices.

The days go by and, among the thousand and one things that fill my twenty-four hours, I confess that it was the first time I stopped to think seriously about the snacks.

I know what I want: to avoid processed foods because they have too much salt, and this is associated with hypertension, and a lot of sugar, which is responsible for overweight and diabetes. In addition to having a very poor nutritional profile.

Yes, it is true that they are more practical, to take them off the shelf onto the supermarket basket and then straight into the lunch box. They are easy to consume with the advantage of being cheaper!

I confess that I often step into the supermarket, counting the minutes and milliseconds, and these products are arranged in a strategic way right at hand, perfect for “unpacking the thing”.

I do not want my children to pay a very expensive bill in the long run = lack of health.

Of course, eating without this type of food requires more dedication in the kitchen… and I always run away from it.

But with the enthusiastic and motivated house team and the planning hanging on the refrigerator door, we have already moved on to stage number two.

Now we start with the snacks for school and then who knows…

I will tell you all about this new challenge.

If in doubt or suggestions speak to your pharmacist 😉

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