If you go to Pico Ruivo do not forget to…

Hello, my name is António and I am a pharmacy technician. In our professional area we listen to and advise the people who bring their many health-related issues to us, daily.

Those which interest me the most are always the ones associated with stress and mental fatigue.

This is because I like to spend part of my free time relaxing in deep Nature. In a world so instrumented by technology, nothing better than to enjoy a tour through the most beautiful and natural that we can find, or simply a challenge, by the rivers, the forests and the mountains to make us feel truly alive!

Today, I share with you what I have been taught when I was younger by my friends and family, as well as what my academic knowledge helped me to complement.

This year, I will be visiting Pico Ruivo, in Madeira, and I think it is extremely important to be well prepared, considering the possible risks and altitude of this mountain.

Paracetamol is, of course, indispensable. In addition to being one of the best painkillers available without any medical prescription at lower dosages, it also works as an antipyretic in case of wounds with lacerations where there is a clear risk of infection.

Speaking of infections, it is never too much to mention a healing cream, to treat with relative simplicity slight topical infections, particularly useful to avoid more uncomfortable situations on the hands or feet.

Given the harsh atmosphere and the biological conditions that can be found in mountains, cetirizine, in particular its oral-dispersible formula, is a great choice as an antihistamine for any allergic reactions (or even insect / animal stings). To avoid surprises caused by chemical particles (i.e. dust) that may cause some eye irritation, you should always have drops with hyaluronic acid to keep the eye clean and lubricated.

To avoid the appearance or eruption of blisters caused by friction in the feet (given the possible long walks that can be taken), just apply Purified Vaseline throughout the day.

For the bravest and bold in their diet, it is vital that they always have Activated Charcoal – it can make all the difference in case of food poisoning.

And, of course, we must mention the most classic of all! Iodopovidone to disinfect wounds whenever necessary.

I hope the shared information can help you improve your mountain and mountain range experience when you decide to do so in the near future.

Remember that it is a tremendous experience, not only because of the personal experience and conviviality that we have with other people, but it is also a great way to get away from the daily stress and recover the energies to face our day to day. Good hiking (or climbing)!

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