If you are going to marry do not forget… the wedding kit

My dear Ana, a longtime friend, after a few years of dating, will marry partner. Her eyes shine when she talks about the dress, the memories, the surprises, the music, the invitations, the menus, the beautiful place they chose for the reception, and the decoration of her childhood chapel.

Along with all the logistics, preparations, emotions and expectations that a wedding involves, she asked me for a first aid kit to have at the disposal of her guests.

Together, we have created a kit suitable for all age groups, from 0 to 99 years old, the season of the year, which is summer, and the party venue.

Marriage is a celebration and so… some alcohol and food excesses can happen, so we added a detoxifier, as well as an antacid for cases of indigestion or heartburn.

Antipyretic and analgesic for cases of fever or pain, and an anti-diarrhea medicine for any such episode, being advisable to take an intestinal flora regulator at a later stage.

To treat wounds and scratches: saline solution to clean the wound, iodopivone or chlorhexidine spray solution, disinfectant antiseptics, band aids, adhesive, sterile dressing, a pair of gloves, and a stick of arnica to apply and treat the bruises of the younger guests.

Summer = hot day, guests will have at their disposal: thermal water sprays to cool off, and water to drink, to avoid a heat stroke.

As there are mosquitoes in the area, the kit will have an antihistamine and a repellent gel. She has packed in her little bag a natural food supplement with a relaxing effect for those who may be overwhelmed by “emotions and nerves”.

She also added hospital contacts and health facilities closer to the wedding venue to the list.

Congratulations Ana! I’m waiting for the honeymoon photos.

Para tratar feridas e arranhões: soro fisiológico para lavar a ferida, solução de iodopivona ou clorohexidina em spray, antissépticos para desinfectar, pensos rápidos, adesivo, compressa esterilizada, um par de luvas e um stick de arnica para aplicar e tratar as nódoas negras dos convidados mais pequeninos.

Verão= dia de calor ,os convidados terão à sua disposição: águas termais em spray para se refrescarem e água para beberem, para evitar a insolação.

Como na zona há mosquitos o kit terá um anti-histamínico e um gel repelente.

Arrumou na malinha um suplemento alimentar natural com efeito relaxante para quem sentir as “emoções e os nervos à flor da pele”.

Juntou também a lista com os contactos do hospital e unidades de saúde mais próximos do casamento.

As maiores felicidades Ana! Fico à espera das fotos da lua-de- mel.

If in doubt consult your pharmacist 😉


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