Blog Rules
- All texts written in the blog are the authors of Ana Luísa Pinto Leal and the employees who are part of the Leal Oeiras pharmacy team. The author may, however, invite others to write in the blog, but if this happens, the texts will be duly identified with the name of the invited author.
- The blog aims to address health prevention and education and topics, including pharmaceutical advice, without specifying names and/or brands of prescription drugs. It is guided by the respect and observance of the principles that shape the pharmaceutical dignity and the practice of the profession, especially in the fields of ethics and professional deontology.
This blog DOES NOT replace true pharmaceutical advice, much less medical advice. Its informative nature is intended to clarify some doubts that are often raised on the internet or at the pharmacy counter, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that each case is an individual case, and no diagnosis or advice is made without seeing or knowing the clinical history of each patient. More than an ethical concern, this is a concern with YOUR health. (The author of the blog is not responsible for any harm that may occur following some perceived “advice” that may have been written here.)
- Blog comments are submitted to approval, which means that it is the author who decides which ones are approved and rejected. This approval will be made as soon as possible, depending on the availability of the author.
- In the case of paid content or commercial partnerships, the texts will end with the indication: “This text has been written in partnership with brand X”. This point is valid for products, travel, experiences or meals.
- The information provided in the blog is the result of superficial research by credible sources, namely those belonging to organs linked to the Portuguese government (EMA, CDC, FDA, Infarmed, etc.), some extra sources associated with reputable nongovernmental bodies (ANF), and, of course, always weighted according to the rigor and knowledge acquired by the authors as pharmacists. Whenever the source is not one of the above mentioned, this will be explicit in the text.
- The sharing of the content published in this blog requires prior authorization by the author. The improper use of texts or images of the author may give rise to legal action.